Saturday, July 12, 2014

Grand Theft Auto Online Review

Grand Theft Auto Online
GTA Online is an alternative game mode in GTA V that allows players to explore Los Santos with friends and compete in a variety of competitions. There is technically a “campaign” in Online, but it so hard to get into and understand that it becomes just another series of missions.


GTA Online controls the exact same way as GTA V (see my review of Grand Theft Auto V). However, pop-ins occur much more frequently in this mode. Plus, loading times are horrendous. Just getting into the online mode and connecting to a server can take upwards of five minutes. This doesn't even account for time spent in matchmaking lobbies while waiting for other player to join your game.

In GTA Online you are placed in Los Santos with other players roaming around with you. The name of the game: Competition. Competition is the basis of GTA Online. Every activity involves you trying to 1-up every other player to gain the most EXP and the most cash. This is fun at first, but can get old quickly.

GTA Online really comes together in the normal free roam mode. Play with some friends and goof around in the city and countryside. Play with people you don’t know and see how long you survive.

Customizing cars and buying property is more effective and enjoyable. Custom cars can be used in some races as well as in free roam. Properties include garages and apartments that allow the player to store cars, clothes, personal items, etc. You can also create and customize your own character and level them up to unlock the best weapons and armors.

GTA Online also allows Creator Content in the form of map design. Players can create races, deathmatch maps, and other challenges using the map creator tool. After a map has been made, other players can play it and rate it. XP is then awarded to the creator.

Most players will spend most of their time saving up enough cash for a particular item, purchasing that item, and then saving up for another one, leveling up his/her character in the process. Since there is no eventual goal, players are free to do practically whatever they want.


As I said before, GTA Online does technically have a series of story missions, but they are loosely connected and, from what I can tell, don’t lead to any significant outcome. If you play this mode for the plot, then you’re playing it wrong.


Graphics have pretty much the same quality of GTA V (see my other review). However, pop-ins occur all the time and can become a problem. Frame-rate occasionally drops and there is some desync that you will certainly notice. For a completely online game though, it is fairly consistent.


You can create multiple characters in GTA Online. You can therefore experiment with play-styles and pool the money between your characters for maximum profit. Lots of replay value and appeal to many audiences.


GTA Online is hard to really get into, but once your character is at a “recreational” level, gameplay picks up. Overall, not a bad game, and useful if you aren't ready to leave the GTA V world. I give GTA Online an 8/10. Stay tuned for more reviews.

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