Sunday, January 11, 2015

Quick Thoughts on the Last-Gen Version of Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

What I Have Seen of Shadow of Mordor on Last-Gen

So my brother recently felt the urge to purchase Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.

For the Xbox 360.

I immediately informed him that that was a terrible idea, since the game was most likely going to be terrible on last-gen. I suggested that he wait until he upgrades to current-gen, and then buy the game.

Still, he was stubborn (as little brothers tend to be), and insisted that I was wrong. Soon after he received the game for Christmas.

Hyped up from the rush of Christmas Day (My brother is still relatively young), he rushed downstairs and popped in Shadow of Mordor.

Quite honestly, the look on his face was priceless.

The game looks atrocious.

Anyone remember Carmen Sandiego: Secret of the Stolen Drums? No? Well, if you still have the original Xbox, you should pick it up. Anyway, I’m almost positive that CSSotSD looks just as good as Shadow of Mordor.

But I digress.

My brother has also told me that the loading times in the game are unbearably long.

I feel bad for the kid. He was so excited to spend (give or take) 90 hours of his youth playing this game, but instead is so disappointed that he told me he probably won’t even play it all.

And there goes $60 down the drain.

I suppose what gets me most frustrated is the fact that in the year 2014, we cannot have decent looking game come out on the Xbox 360. I know current-gen has sort of stolen the stage as of late, but if game publishers are going to port games onto las-gen, they should put in some effort.

Why can’t you be Assassin’s Creed Rogue, Shadow of Mordor!?!

Well folks, the point is, if you were planning to pick up Shadow of Mordor on last gen…


I can guarantee you will be disappointed.

I asked my brother what he would rate the game, and he said he’d give it a 6 or a 7. However, I suspect his naivety is impacting his score.

I myself have played a little of the game, but based on what I’ve seen in person, I give SoM a 4/10.

It’s a shame that a game that is apparently really good on current-gen and PC isn’t up to par on last-gen.

I suppose overall it’s just a sign that 2014 is going to be the last decent year for PS3 and Xbox 360. Goodbye friends, you will be missed.

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