Saturday, February 21, 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service Review - Best Movie Since Guardians of the Galaxy

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Remember Agent Cody Banks? That crappy movie about the kid who goes to spy camp? Well Kingsman is like if that movie was good. And completely awesome.

There may be spoilers ahead.


This movie is based on a comic book written by Mark Millar. Even though I haven’t read the original comic, I can tell that the movie strayed from the source material. Even so, I think it was probably for the best.

The plot of this movie is a basic rags to riches story mixed with a classic James Bond film. The main character Eggsy is a naturally gifted troublemaker who hasn’t had it easy in life. Eggsy’s father was a member of an ultra-elite super-spy agency.

Years after his father’s death, Eggsy is approached by Harry Hart, another member of the same ultra-elite super-spy agency. Harry offers Eggsy the chance to “join the club.”

After the that, the plot is quite predictable. Eggsy gets trained, there’s an over the top charismatic villain with a lisp, and he has to save the world.

Look, the plot isn’t the most original or unique….or the most sensible. But the amount of action and entertainment in this film makes up for that.

Side Note: I am a big fan of over the top action movies, and I think action and entertainment in an action film should always take priority over a logical plot. So there…


There were some stellar performances in this movie. Colin Firth played his role of gentleman spy brilliantly. Taron Egerton (Eggsy) was able to play a character that could have easily been annoying. However, I sympathized with his character, and I think his performance really made the movie.

Another actor to note is Samuel L. Jackson, who plays the role of the over the top and ridiculous supervillain.

The lisp really seals the deal.


In recent years, action movies have been really gritty and realistic. I personally favor old school action movies, with over the top and impossible stunts and fight scenes. If you share my preferences then this is the movie for you.

Action is abundant in this movie, to point where I was on the edge of my seat more then I was relaxed in it. Not only that, but the action sequences are long and intense, not to mention the fact that most of the stunts could never be performed by an actual human being. But that’s what makes it great!

Most of the fight sequences are filmed with “shaky cam,” but unlike other movies, (*cough* Jason Bourne Series *cough*) the sharp camera movements isn’t too distracting and you can actually tell what is going on.

Award Time!

Best Performance: Taron Eggerton

Best Scene: The Church Fight

Funniest Line (and possibly my favorite line in a movie ever): I'm a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. Hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon madam.”


Kingsman is probably the best movie that I’ve seen since Guardians of the Galaxy. I give it a 9/10. It’s really good to see a return to the style of actions that I love….

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