Tuesday, September 16, 2014

After the Dark Review: A New Favorite

After the Dark

Let’s get something straight. There is a difference between what I view as a great movie and a movie that I love. For example, my favorite movie of all time is V for Vendetta. That said, it is not widely known or critically appraised. Not perfect by a long shot.

Note: I would give V for Vendetta a 10/10. Because it’s amazing.

The same could be said for After the Dark. This independent philosophical thriller was released in 2013, and was recommended to me by a co-worker. Like V for Vendetta, is isn’t perfect. Not even close. But for some reason, I absolutely love it.


Ahh, how does one describe the plot? Well, I suppose you should know that the movie follows a philosophy class in Indonesia. On the last day of school, the professor proposes a thought experiment to the class.

Each student is given a card with a profession written on it. Jobs range from electrical engineer to poet. Nuclear fallout strikes, and the students must decide which ten people should live in a bunker for a year and restart humanity.

I know, it sounds like the makings of a documentary. But After the Dark actually has an overarching plot. The students make their way through three different thought simulations, each revealing more about their personalities and relationships with the other students. Each scenario is shown in vivid detail through the students’ imaginations.

The movie may lose you in the last 20 minutes, but the last 45 seconds made the entire film worth it.


Note: Dialogue is a word I have trouble spelling.

The acting in this movie is not the best. However, you may see some familiar faces (I think I saw a former Disney Channel star in there).

The dialogue is also not great, but there are actually some great lines and monologues throughout the movie, they were just not delivered well.


For a movie made on a budget, After the Dark actually features some decent special effects. Not to mention, the simulations take place in three amazing and beautiful locations.

There is one major fight scene in the whole movie. It was decently choreographed and involved some pencil-stabbing.

Award Time!

Best Performance: James D’Arcy for his performance as Mr. Zimit.

Best Scenario: Scenario #2

Best Scene: The very very very end.


Based on what you’ve read so far, you may not be completely sold on this movie. I know I haven’t said anything that proves that the movie is worth your time, but I actually highly recommend it. Lot’s of people hate on this movie because it is confusing, controversial, and long.

Too bad those are all qualities I like in a film.

Seriously guys, watch this movie. If you like Inception and need some food for thought, than this is the film for you.

I give After the Dark a 9.5/10.

Oh boo-hoo. Call me biased.

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