Sunday, September 28, 2014

Gotham Pilot Review

Gotham Pilot Review

DC’s new TV show Gotham premiered the other night. Gotham chronicles the adventures of a younger James Gordon, before he became commissioner.

When I heard about the concept of the show, I doubted that a Gotham City without Batman could ever be interesting or well-conceived.

I was accurate in my doubts.

I highly suggest watching the Pilot before reading this review, as there will be major spoilers.

Overuse of Villains

In the Pilot alone, Gotham burned through almost six super villains, most of which were just cameos since Poison Ivy and Cat”woman” are both twelve years old.

It seems that the Penguin is going to be the major bad-guy in this season. So far his origin story is pretty interesting, but Gotham also introduces a new villain named “Fish” that know one has ever heard of. Yay.

Honestly, I think the show was quite silly when handling the bad-guys. They obviously want to include some of the big-name baddies like Bane and the Joker, but the reason those villains are so good is because they are approximately the same age as Batman, as well as representing a quality of himself. They just don’t really work the same with Gordon.

Bruce’s Origin Sucked

In the comics and most film adaptations, Bruce Wayne’s parents are killed by a random mugger, which sparks Bruce’s interest in fighting crime as a whole.

In Gotham, the Waynes’ murder is apparently an organized act, part of a bigger and more dangerous conspiracy. I did not like this change.

Bruce does appear in a later scene where he is learning to conquer his fear. It was a cool little piece of foreshadowing.

Gordon is a Typical White Cop

Gotham portrayed Jim Gordon as a generic, good, white cop. He is a meat-head, a resourceful and clever one, but a meat-head just the same.

It seems that whenever a problem arises, Gordon’s first instinct is to think of something clever to say, and then punch the problem in the face. He is however, an honest and not easily corrupt cop, and that I appreciate.


Gotham has some good ideas, but it does a lot of things wrong. Overall I was disappointed with the Pilot and will probably not watch the rest of the season. I give the Pilot episode of Gotham a 5/10. It might be nice if you don’t know the Batman universe very well, but if you don’t know the universe, then why would you want to watch it?

Just a head up, The Legend of Korra: Book 4 premieres Friday. I am SO excited! I will most likely do a review of the first episode.

Also, the Watch Dogs DLC: Bad Blood just came out so I will be reviewing that in the coming weeks. Stay Tuned!!

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