Wednesday, December 31, 2014

BoJack Horseman Christmas Special Quick Review

BoJack Horseman Christmas Special
Sabrina’s Christmas Wish

Thank God for Christmas.

I’m not one to get in the Christmas spirit, but with the amount of content that is put out during this season, it’s hard not to get excited.

And leave it to Netflix to give me just what I needed to get in that festive mood that everyone’s always talking about. Yes, Netflix has put out a special episode of BoJack Horseman just for the holidays. And it is brilliant.

The episode actually revolves around BoJack and Todd watching a Christmas episode of “Horsin’ Around,” the show that BoJack starred in during the 90’s.

With commentary from the both Todd and BoJack, and tons of exploited 90’s stereotypes, hilarity ensues. It’s amazing how accurately the show can portray “bad sitcom acting” in a cartoon.

This actually might be my favorite episode of BoJack to date, and it was just what I needed to get out of my “BoJack withdrawal.”

Award Time!

Best Scene: The heart-to-heart discussion on Sabrina’s bed in which BoJack tells Sabrina he’s glad her parents are dead.

Best Off-Screen Character: The guy in the live-studio-audience who keep shouting


Seeing as it is the holidays, and since I am now in the giving mood, I’ll give this episode of BoJack Horseman a 9.5/10.

Happy holidays everyone, and happy new year too!

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